Samantha Bartley
4 min readFeb 20, 2021


Image from the Marilyn Dennis show Nov. 4, 2018

Amazing facts about food that you should know

One thing that I will spend sums of money on is good food. Over the years, research has shown that what you take into your body can either, destroy you or build you. Proper Nutrition can supercharge your life and reverse or prevent many chronic illnesses. “Food as medicine” is as true as it sounds, but it can be difficult to determine which food is right for you because some food can be good for some people while bad for others.

What you should know about food

What we can start with are some guidelines for us to live by, like the intake of appropriate ratios; divide your food into these two main categories: Macro Nutrients and Micro Nutrients


These are what everyone knows as protein carbohydrates and fats

Carbohydrates-There are many different types of carbohydrates and can be looked at as starch, fibre, and sugars. 45–50% of your total calories should come from carbohydrates. The most common food sources are starch in terms of what we cook and consume regularly such as pasta, potato, flour. To get the required carbohydrate intake, you don’t have to eat just starchy foods. Carbs are even better in vegetables and fruits because they contain a lot of fibre; the ratio of fibre to starch is very good, which is essential for the gastrointestinal tract. It’s is better to intake a combination of fruits and vegetables to not only get your carbohydrate requirements but antioxidants as well and some amount of vitamins and minerals. If you are an active person Starch can be an essential part of your diet, where you eat just enough to store for activities coming in days.

Proteins- Roughly 35% of total calories should come from proteins. Generally, when people think of protein the first thing that comes to mind is meat, but it also exists fundamentally in plants as well. Our bodies need 20 essential amino acids to properly grow and function; they are necessary for muscle building, nerve function, regulating the immune system, among many other benefits. Not many people I know including me religiously calculates the amount of protein they intake daily, but there are many tools out there to help you calculate and get on the right track. The most needed information is just a click away on any of the popular search engines.

Fats- While many health fanatics may look at fat as bad, it is fundamentally essential for our diet. For a relatively healthy individual, approximately 20% of our calorie intake should come from fats. Fats play the role of allowing the absorption of essential Vitamins, A, D and E into the body.

Micro Nutrients

This is where most of the intricate nutritional factors lie, they aid in many functions such as longevity, immunity, blood-clotting and energy production. It is sometimes better to take a good multivitamin and mineral supplement to take care of those fundamental needs, because how many of us today make the effort to eat all that is good for us in the right proportions? Micornutreins comes in forms such as vitamins, minerals and some fatty acids.

How can you make the right changes for your health?

Read: There are many hidden ingredients placed in foods, even though they have a marketing claim to be healthy, the responsibility is upon us to read our labels to take note of the fat, sodium, sugar and additive content

Prepare your meals: In my opinion, there is no better way to ensure that you are eating right than if you are making your food. With your meal plan, you can control how much you eat and what you put in it, with fewer additives for you. Don’t worry if you can’t cook here are some simple recipes that you can try at home, that are healthy and packed with the right nutrients.

Drink water: Some of the health problems we face are due to the inadequate intake of water. Water helps to flush out toxins, keeps us hydrated and maintain the health of our organs.

Intermittent fasting: While food is essential to life, it can also be enhanced by going without it for a little. A friend of mine often overemphasis that hunger is a “state of mind” as he often goes for hours at a time without food, only a protein bar. I often discredited him until I tried it for myself, I am now in better shape and I am even able to control my hunger more. Current Researches are now showing that intermittent fasting also plays a vital role in longevity, disease control and weight loss.

The bottom line

Eating right doesn’t necessarily mean taking in low-calorie foods. Even though such a diet is linked to longevity according to some studies. What is also clear is what you consume, the quantity and the interval between the first and last meal. Food is to be enjoyed, but we have to have to be mindful that our health comes first. Moderation is key and what may work for some may not work for you.



Samantha Bartley

lifestyle Blogger with a twist. Jamaican Entrepreneur, Digital Marketer, personal development coach and mother making a global impact.